Who would have imagined? The suave pork pie hat by Stetson, with its round contour, is meticulously woven from ethereal ramie fibers harvested from Himalayan nettles. Intertwined with cotton—part of which boasts organic cultivation—Stetson has masterfully created a remarkably sustainable headpiece that's apt for any occasion or wearer. It parades a denim-like facade punctuated by contrasting stitches and pronounced embroidered typography, making an unequivocal sartorial proclamation. This cap epitomizes fashion finesse complete with a 'Made in Italy' hallmark.
Material Composition: 82% cotton; 18% ramie Interior Lining: Pure 100% cotton Brim Span: 3.5 cm (1.38 inches) Crown Elevation: approximately 9 cm (3.54 inches)